Olsen Scale data
This API version has been deprecated, please use the current version instead.
The purpose of this page is to return the Olsen Scale data. You can ask for the olsen scale for a event, /event/{IdEcoCalendar}/olsen/ or for a specific eventdate /eventates/{IdEcoCalendarDate}/olsen/. The first one will return the latest events and the second one the specific for that date.
To use this call, you can use this parameters:
All parameters are optional.
- rows
- format
olsen at glance
- DateTime Date time.
- IdEcoCalendarDate The Id of the event for this date.
- URLChart the url of the chart image.
- URLRadar the url of the radar image.
- Olsen by Event in html format https://calendar.fxstreet.com/event/9cdf56fd-99e4-4026-aa99-2b6C0ca92811/olsen/?k={YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}
- Olsen by Event Date in json format https://calendar.fxstreet.com/eventdate/3c8a8ab6-7bb5-475d-93ef-550e6402e396/olsen/?f=json&k={YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}