Calendar API v2 (Deprecated)
This API version has been deprecated, please use the current version instead.
The purpose of this page is to return the main grid view of the events selected by the filter options. Inside each event, you can find "IdEcoCalendarDate". It represents the unique identifier for it event and is used for the detail request.
This call allows a configurable set of parameters than you can use:
In order to call a single eventdate you need to add the GUID of the eventdate as the final endpoint{EVENT_DATE_ID}?
All parameters are optional.
Possible values:
- html: html format.
- xml: xml format.
- json: json format.
- jsonp: jsonp format.
- jsonhtml: html format executable from another domain (like JSONP, but instead of returning a JSON object it returns an HTML code).
- csv: csv format (only available on historic).
Useage: f=json
Possible values:
- Current: Displays n events (parameter 'rows'), tacking m from the past (parameter 'pastevents'), going k hours back (parameter 'hoursbefore').
- Range: Displays events from a start date to a end
- Day: Displays the events for the current day
- Week: Displays the events for the current week
- Month: Displays the events for the current month
Useage: view=day
Start date. Must be formated as yyyyMMdd.
Constraint: End - Start cannot be bigger than a year
Only applicable on view=current.
Integer positive. The number of rows to display.
Useage: rows=50
Hours before
Only applicable on view=current.
Integer positive. Max value 240.
The number maximum hours in the past to display.
Constraint: only works with view=current.
Useage: hoursbefore=48
Paste events
Only applicable on view=current.
Integer positive. Max value 100.
The number of events from the past.
Constraint: only works with view=current.
Useage: pastevents=10
keyword filter. Must contain at least 3 non blank characters.
Only applicable on f=html.
you can choose what columns do you wish to show.
Possible values. Multiple selection (comma separated):
- CountryCode
- CountryName
- CountryCurrency
- Countdown
Useage: columns=CountryCode,CountryName,CountryCurrency
you can choose what countries do you wish to show. Multiple selection (comma separated).
Useage: countrycode=UK,EMU,US
This parameter allows you to choose the cateogries.
Possible values. Multiple selection (comma separated):
- c94405b5-5f85-4397-ab11-002a481c4b92. Central Banks.
- 33303f5e-1e3c-4016-ab2d-ac87e98f57ca. Consump. & Inflation
- e229c890-80fc-40f3-b6f4-b658f3a02635. Confidence Indices
- 91da97bd-d94a-4ce8-a02b-b96ee2944e4c. Employment.
- 24127f3b-edce-4dc4-afdf-0b3bd8a964be. Economic Activity.
- fa6570f6-e494-4563-a363-00d0f2abec37. Liquidity & Balance.
- e9e957ec-2927-4a77-ae0c-f5e4b5807c16. Government.
Useage: categories=c94405b5-5f85-4397-ab11-002a481c4b92,33303f5e-1e3c-4016-ab2d-ac87e98f57ca
Possible values:
- en-us. English.
- ru-ru. Russian.
- ar-ae. Arabic.
- zh-cn. Simplified Chinesse.
- zh-cht. Traditional Chinesse
- id-id. Indonesian.
- tr-tr. turkish.
- hu-hu. Hungarian.
- fr-fr. French.
- de-de. German.
- pt-pt. Portuguese.
- it-it. Italian.
- ja-jp. Japanese
- es-es. Spanish.
- ca-es. Catalan.
- pl-pl. Polish.
- vi-vn. Vientamese.
Useage: culture=ja-jp
You can find the possible values in:
Useage: timezone=South+Africa+Standard+Time
event dates at glance
- IdEcoCalendarType Indicates the type of the event.
- EcoCalendarType The description of the IdEcoCalendarType.
- IdEcoCalendar The Id of the event. There are multiples dates for this Id.
- IdEcoCalendarDate The Id of the event for this date. You need this Id to make detail calls.
- DateTime Date time.
- InternationalCode International code of the country.
- Country Country name.
- IdCountry The Id of the country.
- Name Name of the event.
- HTMLDescription HTML description of the event.
- Preliminar The event is preliminar.
- ForType It can be one of the following values:
- Null: no effect
- E18CF035-44CE-4D43-A15E-1EF81091E130: Day
- 8B033CE1-B224-41AC-8D2D-7E69516B34C5: Month
- 4E9C6743-49EA-4205-A89D-E31F28B9F0DF: Quarter
- For A particular day or period of time the event relates to (eg. PPI for March, Trade Balance for the Q3).
- Volatility It can be 0, 1, 2 or 3 (0 = no volatility, 3 = max volatility. Represents the impact of the event on the marketplace).
- Actual The actual value of the event.
- Conscensus The consensus for the actual of the event.
- Relation It compares the actual value with the consensus. True: if the actual is greater than the consensus means that the result is better than expected. False: if the - actual is greater than the concensus means that the result is worse than expected. Can be null: no relation.
- Previous The previous value for this event.
- Revised The actual was revised from this value.
- Better The actual is better than the consensus (see relation).
- Worst The actual is worst than the consensus (see relation).
- Tentative The date for this event is approximate.
- AllDay The event is for all the day.
- HasMetadata Can be true/false: True: there is more data for this event.
- HasOlsenScale Can be true/false: True: there is an Olsen Scale for that event.
- HasCountries Can be true/false: True: there is country info for that event.
- HasReports Can be true/false: True: there are reports for that event.
- HasNews Can be true/false: True: there are news for that event.
- HasAdvancedNews Can be true/false: True: there are advanced news for that event.
- HasRelateds Can be true/false: True: there are relateds for that event.
- HasWebinars Can be true/false: True: there is a webinar for that event.
- HasLiveCoverage Can be true/false: True: there is a live coverage for that event.
- HasBlogs Can be true/false: True: there are blogs for that event.
- HasHistory Can be true/false: True: there is a history for that event.
- HasAutochartist Can be true/false: True: there is an Autochartist for that event.
- HasPairs Can be true/false: True: there is an Autochartist for that event.
- DisplayActual Actual in string format.
- DisplayPrevious Previous in string format.
- DisplayConsensus Consensus in string format.
- DisplayRevised Revised in string format.
- Precision Number of decimals.
- default grid, html format:{YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}
- day view, xml format:{YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}
- week view, json format:{YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}
- detail json format:{EVENT_DATE_ID}?f=json&k={YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}&s={HASH}&t={TIMESTAMP}